Elementary Grades 1 - 8
Ontario Curriculum requirements will be met through active theme-based learning. Children working on the same topic may approach the curriculum through their own learning style at their level. Assessment of learning style will be observational unless formal assessment is requested by the parents. Progress reports will be provided to parents each term.
Astolot students are evaluated through observation, tests, presentations, and conferences. The evaluation is presented to parents three times each year in a report card.
Academic, speech and language and psychological assessments, from outside sources, are considered when programming for children from grade 1 to grade 8.
CCAC offers speech, OT and Psychological services in all public and private schools in Ontario, through the Ministry of Health at no charge to parents.
Assessment of learning style and needs will be observational once the child begins at Astolot Educational Centre, report cards, speech, hearing, educational assessments will be reviewed before a child begins classes.
Achievement, in grades 1 to 8, is reported to parents, with the Ontario Curriculum as the standard. Many of our students function at a variety of grade levels depending on the subject. Math may be at a different grade level than reading which may be different from writing.
Children working on the same topic may approach the curriculum through their own learning style at their level. One child may use manipulatives for math; another may use a calculator, another mental math, though they are in the same grade. Astolot staff will program accordingly, informing students of their areas of strength and areas in need of practice.
Elementary Grade 1 to 6
maddie@astolot.com to sign up
inquiry@astolot.com for more information
Jenny is running
7 to 12 Social Camp